Monday 10 March 2014

Monthly Photo Share days 5-10

Day 5 - Logo.  Yummy chocoholics logo. 
Day 6 - What's inside?  You may well ask.

Day 7 - Smile.  I couldn't find a willing party, but found this self portrait my daughter drew for the school year tea towel LOL she looks like Mr Potato Head.  She is far more beautiful in real life.

Day 8 - Sky.   The weather was awful this day, but I didn't cheat and attempted to take a photo of the sky.  Not brilliant, but I kinda like it.

Day 9 - A treasured Item...I have many treasures - my beautiful kids who I never thought I Would have, my parents who I am lucky to still have around, they celebrated 60 years of marriage 2 years ago. I have photographed my silver sixpence from the year I was born. To remind me to treasure every day, every blessing and all the people and lovely things that come into our lives. Nothing lasts forever.

Day 10 - Shadows.  The sun has been playing peek a boo today, so was really difficult to get shadow photos so I quickly took this shadow puppet with my ipad, when the sun quickly peeked out from behind a cloud and through my window.

I am enjoying the challenge of taking a photo a day, Didn't think I would make it to day 10, YAY me, so far so good.

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